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Do's and don'ts on a Right of Way

A pipeline right-of-way can be an appealing spot for all kinds of activities. Some are used in municipal agreements as dog parks or play areas, and the cleared areas could be attractive to ATV’s or snowmobiles.

It can be easy to forget that a pipeline is operating below you, 运输家庭取暖所需的能源,生产我们每天都在使用的产品. That's why it is important to protect this critical infrastructure, which includes treating the right-of-way with respect.

If you would like to use or work on a ROW, it’s important to remember some basic guidelines to help keep you, the pipeline and your community safe. Here's some useful information to help you stay safe, and how to recognize and respond to a possible emergency situation.

Do you know what to do in case of a possible leak?

If you recognize any of the signs of a leak listed at the bottom of this page, you should follow these steps:

  1. Move away and upwind of the area, 关闭任何机器,避免使用任何可能引起火花的设备或装置.
  2. 到达安全地点后,立即拨打911,并向接线员描述情况.
  3. 在安全区域附近的管道标志上寻找管道操作员的紧急联系电话. TC Energy's emergency numbers can be found on our Contact page.
  4. Warn others to stay away and follow the instructions provided by the 911 operator.


  • Respect the landowner – ensure you have permission to use the land
  • 保持在ROW的边缘-地上的基础设施可以被雪或植被隐藏
  • Report deep ruts, damaged signage or unusual activity to the pipeline operator


  • Light fires or have open flame
  • Camp or park on the right-of-way
  • Dig, trench or uproot trees and brush without prior approval
  • Drive on, across or over the right-of-way without approval


Trail Users

Want to use a right-of-way? For everyone’s safety:

  • 未经管道营运商批准,不得在路权上行驶、穿越或越过路权
  • Follow all instructions provided in your crossing agreement
  • No camping or fires
  • Report deep ruts, damaged signs or unusual activity
  • For questions or to request permissions or more information, contact us at:
Canada United States
1-877-872-5177 1-800-562-8931
crossings@glutendiet.net us_crossings@glutendiet.net

By following these guidelines, 您可以在确保管道继续安全可靠运行的同时使用附近的路权. If you ever see any unusual activity on the pipeline right-of-way, please contact the pipeline operator. Contact information can always be found on the nearest pipeline marker.

Life-saving information

Emergency contacts

United States

In case of emergency, click here for contact numbers

Contact our US crossings team:



Emergency contacts


Call before you Dig:
